{# /** * @file * Theme override to display a menu. * * Available variables: * - menu_name: The machine name of the menu. * - items: A nested list of menu items. Each menu item contains: * - attributes: HTML attributes for the menu item. * - below: The menu item child items. * - title: The menu link title. * - url: The menu link url, instance of \Drupal\Core\Url * - localized_options: Menu link localized options. * - is_expanded: TRUE if the link has visible children within the current * menu tree. * - is_collapsed: TRUE if the link has children within the current menu tree * that are not currently visible. * - in_active_trail: TRUE if the link is in the active trail. */ #} {% import _self as menus %} {# We call a macro which calls itself to render the full tree. @see http://twig.sensiolabs.org/doc/tags/macro.html #} {{ menus.build_menu(items, attributes, 0) }} {% macro build_menu(items, attributes, menu_level) %} {% import _self as menus %} {% if items %} {% if menu_level == 0 %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro add_link(item, attributes, menu_level) %} {% import _self as menus %} {% set list_item_classes = [ 'nav-item', item.is_expanded ? 'dropdown' ] %} {% set link_class = [ 'nav-item', 'nav-link', item.in_active_trail ? 'active', menu_level == 0 and (item.is_expanded or item.is_collapsed) ? 'dropdown-toggle', ] %} {% set toggle_class = [ ] %} {% if menu_level == 0 and item.below %} {{ link(item.title, item.url, { 'class': link_class, 'data-toggle' : 'dropdown', 'title': ('Expand menu' | t) ~ ' ' ~ item.title }) }} {{ menus.build_menu(item.below, attributes, menu_level + 1) }} {% else %} {{ link(item.title, item.url, { 'class': link_class }) }} {% endif %} {% endmacro %}